Golden Events
Golden Events
Golden events throughout the year reflect the deep passion of its people for life itself and for their community. Being situated in the heart of three mountain ranges and at the place where the Columbia and the the Kicking Horse Rivers come together, Golden offers a myriad of world-class outdoor events in every season to enthusiasts from around the world.
Golden events do not stop there, however. The town has a lively arts and culture community as well. The Golden District Arts Council, known as Kicking Horse Culture, sponsors dozens of theatre and artist events, many through regular series such as LIVE Kicks, SUMMER Kicks and FILM Kicks, plus ongoing artist shows at the Art Gallery of Golden (AGOG). Spirit Square in downtown Golden is often the scene of other Golden events such as outdoor concerts and community celebrations.
If you see an event showing last year’s date, it means that the upcoming year’s dates have not yet been confirmed.

Remembrance Day in East Kootenay

Motion Notion is back!

Golden Sound Festival – Summer Edition

Willi XC Challenge

Canada Day in Golden

Team Golden Redline Car Show

Snow King’s Masque Parade – 12th Anniversary

Huckleberry Loppet

Annual Christmas Bird Count events

CPR Holiday Train celebrates 19th year!

Golden Mountain Festival
Here are some of the locations where events happen in Golden. Click to view their venue page.

Art Gallery of Golden (AGOG)
Beaverfoot Lodge & Festival Grounds
Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre

Downtown Golden Core

Golden Cinema

Golden Civic Centre
Golden Golf Club
Golden Municipal Campground & RV Park

Golden Seniors Centre
Kin Hut

Mount 7
Mount 7 Rec Plex
Parson Community Recreation Park