Lake Windermere District Lions Club

“We Serve Where We Live”. This is the mission of the Lake Windermere District Lions Club and the more than 1.4 million Lions Club members worldwide. With 46,000 clubs in 206 countries and geographical locations across the globe, they are the world’s largest service club organization.

Photo CV Archives

Because they are international, Lions aren’t limited by continents or restricted to certain approved causes. Where there is a need, that’s where Lions want to be. No matter where in the world, from an earthquake on the other side of the planet to raising funds for projects right in their own communities, they are there, working tirelessly to serve wherever they can help.

Lake Windermere District Lions Club received its Charter in 1951 and four years later, acquired the property where they now make their home. Situated at the crossroads of Highway93/95 and Athalmer Rd., the property presently contains the Copper Point Golf Course, the Chamber of Commerce/Lions Hall, the Tourist Information Centre and a 4-diamond ball park.


Yearly Projects
From January to December, the Lake Windermere District Lions Club is involved with at least one project to fund scholarships to DTSS graduates. Some activities, like serving a free pancake breakfast in downtown Invermere on Valley Appreciation Day and hosting the Lions Charity Golf Day, are once-a-year events. Others such as providing ID kits for children, sales of mints, visiting the sick and elderly and collecting eyeglasses for needy children world wide, are ongoing. But these are only a few.2029

Recent Major Projects

  •  Working tirelessly to raise funds within the community and the region at large, the Lake Windermere Lions spear headed the ‘Road to Rescue’ project in 2010, providing a brand-new rescue vehicle for the Columbia Valley.
  • Uniting business people, organizations and private individuals all over the valley in the fight to eradicate breast cancer, East Kootenay Foundation for Health conducted the “Clear View” campaign to raise $1million to provide a digital mammography unit for the East Kootenay Health, achieving their goal in September of 2012. Lake Windermere District Lions Club contributed $100,000.00 to enable the EKFH to meet their goal.
  • In 2013, the club donated $50,000 to the Town of Radium to upgrade their playground equipment and $14,000 to help fund the local Hospice Society.

The Lake Windermere District Lions Club meets on the first and third Mondays of the month. If you are interested in becoming a member  or would like to present a need to the group at a meeting, you may contact:

Claude or Raylene Oram

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