Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners

CWSP_logo3The Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners was formed to ensure that the precious wetlands of the Upper Columbia River are protected for today and into the future. Located between Canal Flats and Golden on the Upper Columbia River in the East Kootenay region of BC, the Columbia Wetlands is one of the largest wetland and river complexes in Canada and also the planet.


Recognized as a ‘wetland of international importance’ by the United Nations under the RAMSAR Treaty, the wetlands spans a distance of 150 km, through lands under federal, provincial, municipal and private jurisdictions,  covering 15,000 hectares in total. More than 250 species of migratory birds have been identified in the wetlands as well as hundreds of other wildlife species.

Various governmental agencies protect different parts of the wetlands and recently, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry and members of the several communities along the length of the system have stepped up to assist in the stewardship and management of this treasure.

About the CWSP

About the CWSP

Presently consisting of more than 35 groups, communities and agencies, the CWSP was formed in 2006. Everyone who has an interest in the wetlands is included in the membership – First Nations, tourism, forestry, mayors and members of councils and regional district representatives – from all the communities bordering on the system.

The Partnership has undertaken several projects since its inception:

  • Linkage Project, identifying and mapping linkages for aquatic species along the Columbia River
  • Levee Process Project, looking at the impact of breaks in the river levees on the health of the wetlands.
  • Leopard Frog Habitat Assessment, identifying potential habitat for the leopard frog, extinct in the system at present.
  • Water Monitoring is providing an overview of climate, water flow, ground water and quality of water.
  • Species at Risk Assessment which is to identify species which could be endangered in the future
  • A Photo Plot survey, an inexpensive way to provide an annual record of long-term change over time.
  • Firefly Project to identify where fireflies are found in the wetlands and what their habitat needs are, since the presence of fireflies is a good measure of the health of the wetlands.

Financial support for the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners comes from:

  • the Ministry of Environment of B.C/ the Columbia Basin Trust/ the federal government via Parks Canada/ the Royal Bank Blue Water Fund/ the MacLean Foundation/ all the communities and groups involved in the Partnership/ The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund/ the Columbia Basin Trust through the CBT Environmental Initiatives Fund.

For further information about the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners, you may visit their website at:

Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners
P.O. Box 2284
Invermere, BC
V0A 1K0

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