Columbia Valley & East Kootenay
Events Calendar

Golden District Arts Council (KHC)
250 344-6186||http://kickinghorseculture.caThe Golden District Arts Council, better known today as ‘Kicking Horse Culture’ (KHC), has been, since its inception in 1970, bringing to the community of Golden BC a wide variety of cultural programs, arts education and art-based community activities which have, and will continue to foster an awareness of local history and traditions in the area. The strong sense of place and pride of the citizens of Golden is, in large part, due to the efforts of this passionate group of people.
From its original membership of 35, the Golden District Arts Council has grown to a 700-strong membership of artists, business people, educators and professionals.
Music concerts, many with performers of national renown, films, stage plays and more take place at the Golden Civic Centre. Their Art Gallery of Golden (AGOG) is the place where the works of dozens of local artists and artisans are displayed in exhibitions year round.
The office of the council is located within the AGOG at 516 9th Ave. N. Golden.
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