Columbia Valley & East Kootenay
Events Calendar

Family Dynamix Association
250-341-3963||“The Community is our family”
Who we are
Formerly called the Family Resource Centre, Family Dynamix has a vision to see families, individuals and communities in the Columbia Valley happy and healthy, confidently able to meet every one of life’s challenges. They strive to foster mental, social, physical and financial wellness to make the vision happen for all.
The registered non-profit society is based in Invermere with an office in Canal Flats and currently working on having one in Radium Hot Springs. Together, they serve the area from Spillimacheen south to Canal Flats, providing tools that enable us all to be the best that we can be.
Counseling is supportive and educational and is not intended as therapy or treatment. Counselors are trained listeners and, without prejudice or judgment, they assist clients to organize their thoughts and feelings. They provide guidance and encouragement as individuals develop additional communication and conflict-resolution skills. Counselors provide information and link their clients with resources, services and opportunities.
Family Dynamix offers dozens of services in many areas such as:
- Counseling for families, women and individuals
- Affordable housing
- Employment services
- Columbia Valley Food Bank
- Women’s Resource Centre
- Co-ordination for safety in relationships
- Community counseling services
- Employee assistance
- Family support work
- Good Food Co-op
- Lending library
- Life skills for youth with diverse abilities
- Parenting
- Respite
- Second stage housing
- Sexual abuse intervention
- Victim services
- ‘Violence is Preventable’ program
- Women’s safe homes
- Women’s outreach
- Youth outreach
- Seniors support (through the Better at Home program)
- Canadian Tire Jump Start
To find out more about these services and the many programs offered, visit the very informative website at
Financial support for the ongoing programs of Family Dynamix comes from various sources, both governmental and otherwise:
- BC Housing
- Canadian Mental Health Association (East Kootenays)
- Interior Health Authority
- Ministry of Children and Family Development
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Public Safety
- Solicitor General
- Columbia Basin Trust
- Columbia Valley Community Foundation
- Community donations
- Invermere Health Care Auxilliary
- Kinsmen Club of the Windermere Valley
- United Way
A unique source of funding for Family Dynamix is through Ambiente Home Design Elements, a home furnishings store in the location of the former Interior World in Invermere’s Frater Landing. Newly remodeled and updated, the store not only fills a need with shoppers, but also generates revenue to add services as they are needed.
Memberships are vitally important to the Centre’s viability and a great way for community members to play a part in making Dynamix a success. You can purchase a membership for as little as $40 per year and also enjoy access to the lending library and have voting privileges at the AGM.
Volunteers are valued in a number of program areas such as Victim Services, the Women’s Resource Centre, youth programs and more. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Family Dynamix team, please contact the office.
Main Office
Address: 1317 7th Ave. Invermere BC V0A 1K0
Hours: Monday – Thursday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Phone: 250-342-5566
Fax: 250-342-3850
Canal Flats Office
Address: 8866 Grainger Rd. East Kootenay F, BC V0B 1B0 (lower level)
Hours: Monday – Thursday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Phone: 250-342-5566 (during office hours)
Fax: 250-342-3850
Emergency Numbers
Emergency Services 9-1-1
24 Hour Safe Home Help Line 1-800-200-3003
24 Hour Crisis Line 1-800-667-8407
Safe Homes Program (250) 341-3963
Police (250) 342-9292
Ambulance (250) 342-2055
Hospital (250) 342-9201
Legal Aid 1-877-426-4066
Provincial Call Centre and Law Line 1-866-577-2525
Victim Assistance (250) 342-3937
Family Dynamix Association (250) 342-5566
Alcohol & Drug (250) 342-3868
Family Dynamix Association
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