Columbia Valley & East Kootenay
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Columbia Valley Classics Car Club Columbia Valley Classics Car Club, based in Radium Hot Springs BC, was formed in 1989. At present, its membership stands at about 35 passionate classic car enthusiasts.
The club is particularly known for it annual hosting of the Columbia Valley Classics Show and Shine which is held the 3rd weekend in September. From the first show, which boasted 75 cars, the event has grown to over 1,000 vehicles now, nearly three decades later.
The club starts to organize this huge event about six months beforehand and recruits a small army of volunteers in order to make the car show the great success it always is.
For more information about the Columbia Valley Classics Car Club, you may phone either:
- Village of Radium Hot Springs at 250-347-9331
- Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce at 250-342-2844
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